Seeds Of Peace
Freitekh joined Seeds of Peace at a very young age and attended the camp in Maine in fall 2002 and 2003. Freitekh believed that peace is the solution and without it, the destructive tendencies of our species will continue to move us closer to catastrophe. The gulf oil spill is but one example. We human beings, in our true essence, are capable of the most glorious and uplifting actions. We have the potential to create a world at peace and become what I like to call “Homo Ahimsa” — the nonviolent human.
Akon Lighting Africa
Freitekh also helped Akon in 2014 on his project Akon Lighting Africa to help 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa. About two-thirds of the population live without grid electricity to gain access to clean, affordable, quality-verified off-grid lighting and energy products by 2030, Akon Lighting Africa has already enabled 32.3 million people across Africa to meet their basic electricity needs.
Tarik Freitekh On What It’s Like To Be A Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocate In The US
Tarik Freitekh is a successful American businessman, director, and producer. After his experience in the tobacco industry he realized how harmful tobacco can be and started advocating on tobacco harm. He helped co-found and promote many independent, nonprofit, tax-exempt, and private foundations committed to reducing deaths and diseases caused by smoking. His mission is to end smoking in this generation. To achieve this goal on a truly global scale, he strives to identify and address the unique needs of the developing world as they relate to tobacco cessation and harm reduction.
Tarik Freitekh on Filmmaking for Peace.
Freitekh has a mind for advocacy and a deep understanding of documentary film. He created a more just world by combining the power of documentary storytelling and the power of organizing to inspire audiences and fuel social justice movements.
Freitekh highlights the responsibility of the world of film and media.
How Tarik Freitekh Is Making The World A Better Place
Tarik Freitekh is a businessman who founded many successful brands as well as directed and produced featured movies. He also founded World Music (a record label) and signed many international successful artists. Freitekh also supports many non profit organizations. He loves advocating for peace since he joined The Seeds Of Peace organization at age 14.
Freitekh describes World music not as a label, but more as a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. The idea for founding World Music in 2010 came from a common belief that music has the power to break down boundaries and overcome distances between people.